Custom TP

How to set up custom teleports?

  1. Go to [Custom TP] section on the right :

  1. The Custom panel will appear :

  2. It will automatically create a Teleports folder for you in the AKEBI folder you unzipped to run the game .

  3. Your job now is to [FIle TP] Copy the following files with the extension (.json) :

  4. Copy Paste into the Teleports folder, then return to the game .

  5. Go to this board :

  6. Select [Reload] to refresh the file .

  7. To get the following Board, click on ALL .

  8. Then turn it off to the following table

  9. Then click on these 2 :

  10. Auto Perform :

  11. Delay to 5S for PCs using high read speed SSD, 15-20s for some HDDs or weak PCwith low read speed SSD

Or watch the video here :

Please watch the entire video to understand more about the function

Last updated