Multi-Hit Mode:

  • One Punch Mode: Tries to kill the target with 1 hit.

  • Modifies the number of attacks received by the target.

    Note: Not recommended to use

    Note: Not recommended to go above 5.


  • Hit all the targets within the selected radius from the target hit.

    Note: Not recommended to change default settings.


  • Modifies the number of times the character does an action.

    Note: Not recommended to use.

Attack Speed:

  • Modifies the speed of the normal attacks from the player.

    Note: Not recommended to use above 1.5.

Custom Element:

  • Modifies the element of all outgoing attacks.

Infuse Element:

  • Modifies the element of normal attacks from sword, polearms and claymore.

Auto Weakspot:

  • Hits target weakspot therefore criting, only works with bow users.

Critical Hit (Sponsor):

  • Changes the probability of critical hits.

Nullify Incoming Element:

  • Will nullify any incoming element converting it to physical damage instead.

Auto Run:

  • Auto Run will move the player to the direction the player is facing automatically.

Bunny Hop:

  • Bunny Hop will jump automatically after first jump when enabled.

Cooldown Effects

Cooldown Effects: Modifies the cooldown time of various actions.

Max Burst Energy:

  • Removes the requirement needed to use elemental bursts.

    Note: Energy bubble may appear incomplete but will be still usable.

No Avatar Skill Cooldown: Removes the cooldown for character skill and burst.

  • Reduce Skill/Burst Cooldown: When activated instead of removing the cooldown, it will be set to the selected values if the cooldown is higher than the value selected.

    Note: You can use any value for CD, but don't spam it too hard. ex. 40 times in 1m

No Sprint Cooldown:

  • Removes the delay between sprints.

Instant Charged Attack:

  • Bow: Removes the charge time for bow users.

  • Other: Removes the charge time for other weapon users.

No Vehicle Skill Cooldown:

  • Removes the cooldown for the boat skills.

Extra Movements

Extra Movements: Modifies/Enhances certain actions for the player.

Dive Boost:

  • Enhances the speed when the player is diving.

    Note: Not recommended to change default values.

Run Boost:

  • Enhances the speed when the player is running.

    Note: Not recommended to change default values.

Jump Boost:

  • Enhances the height of the jump for the player.

    • Apply Mid Air: Enable jumping while not on the ground.

    Note: Not recommended to change default values

Fly Boost:

  • Enhances the speed when the player is gliding.

    Note: Not recommended to change default values.

Swim Boost:

  • Enhances the speed when the player is swimming.

    Note: Not recommended to change default values.

  • Allows the player to move certain distance after pressing a hotkey.

Fall Control

Fall Control allows you to move with the selected speed while falling.

God Mode


  • When enabled, god mode only will turn on if damage is lethal.


  • When enabled, god mode only will turn on if the character hp falls below the specified value.

    Note: Recommended to use conditional for abyss.

Infinite Stamina

Move Sync Packet Replacement:

  • When this is enabled and Infinite Stamina is disabled, will prevent sending stamina consuming action packets to server like running, climbing, swimming, etc.

    Note: Recommended to use Move Sync Packet Replacement.

No Clip

No Animation:

  • When enabled it will disable animations of the character while using no clip.

Camera-relative movement:

  • When enabled, character will move based on camera view instead of where the character is facing.

Alternate No-Clip:

  • When enabled, no clip speed will change after pressing the selected hotkey at the designed speed.

Use Custom Keys:

  • Enables the option to change no-clip directional controls.

DragBack Bypass:

  • Prevents the server to drag the character back due to excessive speed.

    Note: Not recommended to use above 20.

Player Speed

Player Speed modifies player speed. Real. No Fake.

  • Prevents the server to drag the character back due to excessive speed.

    Note: Recommended to use below 1.5. Note 2: Extra Movements is recommended since its better synced with the server (safer)(Sponsor)

Remote Utility:

Claim Daily Commission Reward:

  • Claims daily commission reward when all 4 comissions are completed.

Custom Talk:

  • Starts a conversation using the conversation ID, some conversations might not work.

Note: This feature is dangerous. Note: To get the conversation ID, enable Debug Talk, ID will be displayed in cmd.

Spawn Gadget:

  • Spawns the selected gadget by ID, some of them might not work.

Note: This feature is dangerous. Note 2: You can find the gadget IDs hereopen in new window


  • Condensed Resin: Crafts a condensed resin if you got the resin and the items.

  • Spawn Alchemy Table: Spawns an Alchemy Table.

  • Spawn Forging Table: Spawns a Forging Table.

  • Custom Combine: Will try to combine the selected item using the current character.

    Note: If successful, there will be no prompt. Please check inventory. Note 2: You can find the combine IDs hereopen in new window

Summon NPC:

  • Summons the selected NPC by ID.

Note: Katheryne, Wagner and Prince already included.

Summon Monster:

  • Summons the selected monster with the selected parameters by ID.

Note: You can't kill them. Note 2: You can find the monster IDs hereopen in new window

Summon Item:

  • Summons the selected item by ID.

Note: Some items might not work. Note 2: You can find the items IDs hereopen in new window

Open UI Page:

  • Open Paimon Menu Page: Opens the menu.

  • Open Cooking Page: Opens cooking page.

    Note: Needs to open cooking page once before using this feature.

Worship Statue:

  • Will worship the selected Statue of the Seven with the amount selected, need to have the oculus to do this.

Change Traveler Element:

  • Allows player to change traveler element anywhere


Oculi Teleport

Oculi Teleport will teleport the player to the nearest rendered oculi location when the hotkey is pressed.

Note: Wait >15s between teleports for safety.

Chest Teleport

Chest Teleport will teleport the player to the nearest rendered chest location when the hotkey is pressed.

Note: Wait >15s between teleports for safety.

Custom Teleport

Custom Teleport: Allows the player to teleport to a selected location designed by a .json file.

Interpolation Speed:

  • Controls the teleportation animation speed, set to 0.1 to avoid issues.

Auto Teleport:

  • Teleports automatically following the order of the provided .json files.

    • Teleport Next: Teleports to next location after pressing the selected hotkey.

    • Teleport Previous: Teleports to previous location after pressing the selected hotkey.

Note: Recommended to set above 15s for safety.

Map Teleport

Map Teleport allows you to teleport to anywhere on the map.

  • To use map teleport you have to enable it, and select the hotkey you going to use.

  • To teleport, hold the hotkey while having the map opened and click on where you want to teleport.

Fast Teleport (Sponsor):

  • Disables the loading screen within the selected distance while teleporting.

Quest Teleports

Quest Teleports allows you to teleport to the current on-going quest location.

  • To use this feature, you must click your navigation hotkey first and then click on quest teleport hotkey.


Animation Changer


Animation Changer, allows the player to change their current character animation to the selected one.

Camera Zoom

Camera zoom allows the user to change their camera zoom to their desired value.

Constellation Modifier


Constellation Modifier, will change your active character constellations if selected, visually and some of them will actually work.

  • You can find more information about which of them work at #⁠cons-check in the server.

You have to switch to each character you want to activate the constellations first and then teleport far away to activate them.

Custom Profile


  • Select the UID you want to be displayed.


  • Select the Nickname you want to be displayed.


  • Select the Level you want to be displayed.


  • Select the EXP you want to be displayed.

World Level:

  • Select the World Level you want to be displayed.

Avatar Image:

  • Use a custom png as avatar image.

Card Image:

  • Use a custom png as card image.

Custom Weather


Custom Wether allows you to change the weather to your liking.

Emotion Changer


Emotion Changer allows the player to change the current character emotion to the selected one.

Extra Visual Settings


  • Allows you to change the gamma value of the game.

Outline Width:

  • Allows you to change the outline of every character in the game.


  • Allows the player to change the anti-aliasing module to use, including some that are not available natively.

FPS Unlock

Unlocks FPS.Unlocks FPS yeah.Unlocks FPS wow.

Limit background FPS:

  • Set the max fps game can reach when its not focused.

Fake Time

  • Changes in game time (hour and minutes).

Flycloak Modifier


Flycloak Modifier allow the player to change their glider skin even if they don't own it.

Free Camera

Move the camera freely without being locked to the character.

Freeze Character Animation:

  • Freezes character animations.

Make Character Invisible:

  • Makes character invisible.

Block User Input:

  • Blocks user input therefore character wont move while moving the camera.

Hide UI

Hides player user interface entirely.

Hide Ping: (Sponsor)

  • Hides ping only.

Hide HP Bar: (Sponsor)

  • Hides current character HP bar only.

Hide Team HP Bar: (Sponsor)

  • Hides team hp bar on the character tab only.

Map Zoom

Map Zoom modifies the values to be used in the map.

Monster Changer

When enabled, all new rendered monsters will be changed visually to the selected monster.

Exclude Animals:

  • Enable or Disable changing animals.

Custom Monster ID:

  • Use ID instead of the provided list.

Randomize Monster:

  • The change will be random.

Skin Modifier


Skin Modifier allows the player to use in-game skins for free.

Texture Changer

Its better to use [GIMI](../../guide/3DM-tutorial.md) for changing textures.

Texture Changer allows to switch character parts to the provided .png files.

Other Features:

  • Show Chest Indicator

  • Enable Peeking

  • No Black Screen

  • No fog

  • No grass

  • No map fog

  • Paimon Follow

  • Dolphin Dive

  • GM Icon

  • Menu Unlocker

  • No Camera Blur

  • No Camera Shake

  • No Footprints

  • No Burst Animation


Auto Activate Teleport

Sponsor Only

Auto Activate Teleport activates nearby waypoints up to 50m.

Auto Challenge

Auto Challenge lets you complete the current active time trial within a specified range and delay time, you can configure these to your liking.

Auto Cook


Auto Cook lets you cook a specified quantity and quality of the selected food on the cooking page, it counts with an auto proficiency (Auto unlock auto cook) built-in.

Auto Destroy Objects


Auto Destroy Objects lets you destroy customizable objects within a specified range, in which it includes, ores, plants, rock piles, chests, special objects, shields, etc.

Auto Loot

Auto loot lets you auto collect loot withing the selected range and delay, the loot that will be collected can be customized, including chests, mob drops and more.

Auto Seelie

Auto Seelie removes the necesity of the player to follow the seelie constantly, seelie with go to the designed destination when the player gets close.

Auto Talk

Fast Dialog:

  • Speeds up the game with the selected value to make the dialog faster.

Note: Not recommended to use above 5.

Skip Dialog (Sponsor):

  • Skips the dialog with the selected delay. Its safer than fast dialog.

Note: Not recommended to use below 200ms

Fast Cutscene:

  • Speeds up the game with the selected value to make the cutscene faster.

Note: Not recommended to use above 5

Skip Talk Scenes:

  • Skips a talk scene if its triggered or on-going.

Note: Might get black screen while using it.

Skip Cutscene:

  • Skips a Cutscene if its triggered or on-going.

Note: Might get black screen while using it.

Auto Tree Farm


Auto Tree Farm lets you punch nearby trees with the selected value and delay, therefore automatically getting wood from nearby trees.

Elemental Aura

Sponsor Only

Elemental Aura applies elements with the specified element, range and delay to targets, objects or yourself, multiple elements can be applied to nearby targets.

Game Speed

Game Speed. Speedups or slowdowns the game. Unexpected.

  • Note: Not recommended to use outside of menus, or in general.

Auto Puzzle

Auto Puzzle will complete the selected puzzles automatically within the provided range and delay.

Kill Aura


This feature has a high risk of ban.

Kill Aura: Deals damage to surrounding enemies

Crash Damage mode:

  • Deals fall damage to surrounding enemies with the specified value, delay and range.

Note: Not recommended to use very high values.

Percent Mode:

  • Number of hits needed to kill an enemy.

Note: Recommended to use 3 or higher values.

Left HP:

  • Whether or not to leave the specified amount of HP to surrounding enemies.

Instant Death Mode:

  • Will try to make the enemy disappear

Note: Might get buggy with some bosses. Note 2: Not recommended to use.

Only Hostile/Aggro:

  • Whether or not to target only hostile mobs.

Map Manager

Map Manager allows the player to unlock Statues of the Seven or Waypoints automatically without moving from the place, great to create reroll accounts.

Mob Vacuum


Mob Vacuum move nearby mobs to the player with the selected speed and range, the mobs that will be affected can be customized.

Vacuum Loot


Vacuum Loot moves nearby drops to the player with the specified range and delay.

Other Features:

  • Open Team Imediately

  • Skip Enhance Animation

  • Dumb Enemies

  • Freeze Enemies

  • Permanent Elemental Sight

Last updated